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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What to Look For in Life Insurance Cover

Life insurance cover does not have to be expensive if you look around and compare the costs for the various types that are available. In the event of your death, with a life insurance policy your family could have the money needed for essential outgoings each month, giving them peace of mind at least financially and easing their stress as they cope with your loss.

However you do have to read the terms of each to find out which insurance cover policy would be more suitable.
But, first of all, what is it?

Life insurance is something which everyone should consider and especially if you have a family who would suffer financially in the event of your death. You do have to shop around for your cover and decide which type life protection would be suitable – or let a life insurance specialist do it on your behalf.

Term life insurance cover is among the cheapest of ways in which to buy life protection. You pay a premium for a set period (which is called the policy term) and for a certain amount (which is the sum assured). If you die during the term, your loved ones will receive a tax free lump sum. If you survive the term, the policy expires and no payment is made.

Certainly, the unexpected can happen at any time and as we cannot predict what could happen in the future we do have to give some thought to protecting our lives against the fact that we could die at anytime. Life cover does just this and it does not have to be expensive.

Shopping around for life insurance cover – or getting a broker to do it on our behalf - is easier when done online. There are specialist websites that will make the search for you based on criteria you set out. You can then take your time to go over the quotes.

One major consideration when buying your cover will be the premiums. Drinkers and smokers can typically expect their premiums to be higher than some who does not drink or smoke. So, where possible cut down on the number of units you drink and stop smoking for at least a year before you look to take out life cover.

Note that individuals over a certain age (typically 50 plus) can often get cheaper and more affordable insurance cover if they look with insurance cover companies offering special deals for these groups. Some of these also come with no medicals too but the sum insured will not be as great as with a traditional life insurance policy. However, this type of policy can help with funeral and other associated costs at a difficult time.

As to be expected, all providers will look at your lifestyle and health in order to assess how much of a risk you are. If you are within you target range in weight for your height you can often save on the cost of life cover. Therefore, staying fit and healthy is essential for making savings.

In order to take out a policy you need to calculate the sum insured you will need. As a starting point, use your annual salary and multiply it by ten to work out how much to insure your life for.

Remember, life insurance cover is needed to give you peace of mind as you do not know what is around the corner.

Accident and illness crop up at anytime and no one lives forever, so the provision of life cover can make good sense.

about the author:

About Author David Thomson :

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance (http://www.bestdealinsurance.co.uk) an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best deal on their home, motor and life insurance.

Article Source: http://www.BharatBhasha.com
Article Url: http://www.bharatbhasha.com/finance-and-business.php/102495


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